American Colleges Should Increase The Number Of Students From Foreign Countries In Order To Help Cover Costs


Most American colleges have separate fees structures for students from the state, those who stay away for the state where they are located and lately for international students. The reasoning is that   "out of staters" and international students cater for the most cost of running a college. American colleges should increase students from foreign countries to help cover costs. 

American colleges that enroll international students have an opportunity to bolster their finances because they are ready to pay more.  They can use the extra cost to educate the local students at a lower fee. The international students do not just help their colleges to earn more money but also contribute to the growth of the US economy.  Their contribution to the country is over $ 30 billion. Students from foreign countries pay more but are content with using the same facilities with their American peers. 

The extra amount they pay helps in boosting research work at their institutions.  International Students Diversify Campuses, giving them a global perspective.

American colleges need more students from foreign countries because they can charge them higher tuition fees at it will not attract much political controversy. Half of OECD countries and public education institutions have separate tuition fees for their national and international students studying in the same programs. Canada, Austria and Australia are some of the countries where students from a different country pay almost twice even twice more than national students.  Sweden and Denmark also have exclusive fees for students from outside the European Economic Area. It a common occurrence to American colleges that charge a higher amount will not have difficulty and controversy in charging a higher fee. 

 American colleges that rely on higher fees by international students might not achieve a significant reduction in costs as they also come with more needs.   Colleges have to offer special services because of the higher fees. They include tighter monitoring and reporting because of the requirement imposed since 9/11. Other expenses include maintaining high standards and offering some scholarships, even to some foreign students.  

There are many expenses to increase the cost of education. American colleges should increase the number of students from other countries because they can pay and help to cover costs. They do not pay local taxes so that higher tuition fees can be justified.

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