You can make your book review a winning piece by observing the guidelines as you write:

1. Use a capturing headline

Use a headline that attracts someone to read. It is better if you find a different headline from the title of the book under review. An original headline works magic. It is the trick by publishers to capture readers of the newspapers and magazines. Think about the title of your review as any other post that should capture a reader's mind. It will make anyone who comes across it to develop a reading urge.

Use headline such as “the skinny strongman or 5 reasons to live longer.”

2. Stick to your purpose

When writing a book review, you should have a clear purpose. Think critically about the reason that makes your review more suitable than what other people can write. Some reasons why people write book reviews is to inform, entertain, inspire to action and teach. It is nice to have one clear purpose that readers can identify quickly. It increases your chance to connect with readers as they will not be lost somewhere within the paragraphs. If possible, let your review be for a similar purpose as the book.

3. Make the review personal

People read book reviews to know the subject in the real book. Review books about subjects that you like. After reading an interesting book, you can explain better what it is all about and why people should consider reading. Readers of the review will want to know how reading a particular book will help them. One of the best ways to write a capturing a review is to include an anecdote. When you review a book that has created an impact in your life, you will be passionate to write an interesting story in capturing words that increased the urge of your reader to read more and find your excitement.

4. Mention the benefits of reading the book up front

Write a short paragraph on why your readers should buy a book in the headline or the first few sentences. It should directly explain to the readers why they should read your review and the book. Focus on the benefit to the readers rather that yourself. At this point, you should leave out the reason you read it and introduce good reasons why other people should do it. Use a bold heading such “a good reason to read this thriller.”

5. Create a relationship with the book author

People trust your review more if they know you have met the author, or you share something in common. For instance, you can write about attending sessions by the author.

6. Limit the main points

A good book review is precise. Have a few points in the body that transfer your knowledge quickly to the readers inspiring them to take an action.

7. Make it easy to read through

Long and multiple paragraphs are for the book but not a review. An easy to read a review is the best. Use bold sections, phrases and bullet points so that it is simpler to read through and focus on the part they find more inspiring.

8. Use images

Most review just has the picture of the book. People love pictures. Make your review appealing by including images at the beginning of your review to attract the visual beings. People want to read the text under a picture that they view.

9. Include reading time

Tell readers the average time length it takes to read the book. If you fail to mention reading time, some assume it is very long.

10. End powerfully

Finish the review with a powerful statement that persuades the readers to take action. It works well especially for non-fiction books that encourage readers to change a certain thing about their lives. A good way to transfer obligation is by asking a question in the last sentence.

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